From the Guardian: Attendees of a test screening (in Chicago) of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince last week voiced unhappiness with several elements, including the emphasis on romance, a changed ending (REALLY?), and the disappearance of several key characters (WHO????).
According to reports, director David Yates has cut several "memories" to just two, but most disappointing is the ruining of the ending. It remains to be seen if producers will make any changes to the film before its release in July.
However they did like a fight scene that doesn't occur in the book, in which Death Eaters attack the Millennium Bridge.
How can they possibly change the ending?
Ugh, there are few things more frustrating than when Hollywood totally destroys a book by completely changing it for the big screen. It ruins the book for readers and I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for the author.
There are a handful of really phenomenal adaptations though. I remember watching the Virgin Suicides right after I had finished the book and it was like the book had jumped onto the screen. I love that.
How can they change an ending in a series of movies? I don't understand how that couldn't effect the last book (maybe they aren't killing Dumbledore, or maybe something with Snape or Malfoy). I dont see what they could possible change about it. What key characters disappear?
I know, I just keep thinking of the characters and can't see who you could not include. Neville? Luna? Show more about Snape (but wouldn't that give away too much about #7?) Would they really not kill Dumbledore? Aaaaah.
I think of what they did to The Golden Compass - and worry...
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