I loved the Tithe series by Holly Black and want to share my colleague, Megan's review of The Poison Eaters, which is now very near the top of my to-be-read pile. This review made me want to drop everything else, ignoring the gorgeous weather outside, and even my very demanding puppy.
Dive straight into this collection of short stories and when you come up for air (if you remember), you'll be dripping shadows and strange magic. Here are vampires, fairy tales, and magical libraries; here are runaways, vodka, and eating contests with the devil. Don't be fooled by their brevity! These are stories deep enough to hold both enchantment and the real world, with all the scary corners, wild, freakish, and wonderful parts of each. You'll want to read them because they're fun, keep popping them like little candies, and their aftertaste -- creepy, beautiful, or fantastic -- will make you turn the page for more.
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