Thursday, November 6, 2008

Neil Gaiman Interview and Gravestone Giveaway

Just wanted to let you know that my interview with Neil Gaiman is now posted here. Find out what inspired him to write The Graveyard Book, whether it was based on any graveyard in particular, will there be a more written about Nobody Owens, which of the graveyard skills he'd like himself, who are his favorite authors--things like that. He was charming, agreed to an interview while signing books, and I'd just like to say thank you publicly.

So--what did you think of the set for his event? Wasn't it fantastic? You know, all those gravestones were taken from the book. AND he signed a few at the end of the evening. Yes, you guessed it, I have one to give away. Really. So who wants it? Write and let me know and I'll pull names out of a hat. It's that easy!


AriBoBari said...

AAAH!! I have been in love with Neil since reading Stardust when I was 8. Anything he's touched is a treasure!
Please enter me, Arielle, into the drawing!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my god! I love it! And Neil! And everything he's written! And I should stop using exclamation marks and the word "and" now. I live in Palo Alto and attended that,and I would love to have a gravestone from that event. Please enter me, Evelyn, into the drawing thing.

Lynn said...

Meeeeee, please!

Anonymous said...

Enter me as well!

Antiqueight said...

Me oh me oh me - pull my name from the hat there please...

Rou the Fledermaus said...

i would love to be entered to win the signed gravestone. i'm sure the event was a big hit. too bad i was in moab and missed it. thank you for linking to the interview :)

Denise Rand

Dawn Nikithser said...

Great interview. I was lucky enough to be in NYC for the first chapter of The Graveyard Book tour, and it was amazing. Neil is one of my favorite modern authors; I recommend him to everyone. Please enter me into the drawing -- I'd love a gravestone!

Lindsey Joyce said...

I would trasure it always if it could be mine!

Chris High said...

Oh! Oh! Please please please enter me!

Tracy (Comic Mom) said...

I would be pleased as punch to be entered into your drawing for a gravestone.
4.edmunds (at) gmail (dot) com

Alex G. D. said...

I'd like to be entered for the gravestone, please.

Is there a real way to write to you? Cause there seem to be a bunch of comments that don't give you any contact info. Oh well.


Amy R Singer said...

oh yes! please enter me in the drawing! :-)


Anonymous said...

Holy smokes, I want that book! Neil's never visited my neck of the woods *sigh* and I'd love to have a signed copy of GYB. =)

Anonymous said...

please enter me!

snorfz at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

It seems rather odd to ask for a tombstone, but yes, please. Sign me up.


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Who wouldn't want a random tombstone! Please enter me. The address name is 'gloaming' and the address is hosted at gmail.

-gregory randolph

Anonymous said...

I was there too and it was brilliant! One of the best Neil events I've been to, even if the sound was a little wonky sometimes.

Please enter me for the drawing too:

Steven Sautter

Toby said...

I would love to be entered into the drawing!


Anonymous said...

I love Neil's work as do my two teenage daughters (we're a household of fans). My eldest loves Stardust in particular, my youngest is obsessed with Sandman and I love all of the novels and read his blog regularly. Please enter us into the drawing!

Deven said...

OOh. Throw me in there!


Unknown said...

My teenage daughter and I saw Neil in London, and it was great to hear his interpretation of the Graveyard book. Love the headstones, please enter us in the draw!

Anonymous said...

I'm a big fan and loved the book. Please enter me!

Nancy said...

SQUEEEEEEEE!!!! I loved this book and adored having him read it to us. How wonderful of him to sign the gravestones considering that he had a broken finger!!!! He is truly awesome

Nancy said...

Ohhh...I forgot to say please enter me in the drawing :)

little-red-kite said...

Please can I be entered into the drawing? If I won a Neil Gaiman-ified tombstone I would love it like my own (tombstone...)!

Melanie said...

A gravestone from a Neil Gaiman reading, that is too fantastic to pass up! Please enter me in that drawing as well. My living room is definately in need of that decor peice. I absolutely love Neil Gaiman's work. Thanks.

Bookgeek said...

I'm going to remind people to either leave their email addresses here or send me an email at with your details so I can contact you if you win. Oh, and I have more than one gravestone to give away!

Nancy said...

Ohhh is my email addy


Anonymous said...

Very nice! Please enter my name

PrettyPixilated said...

I absolutely adore Neil Gaiman. I was lucky enough to meet him on his Anansi Boys tour in Dallas. I nearly fainted. Total Beatles Mania moment. I was almost able to see him in Seattle recently on the Grave Yard Book tour, but my plain had to leave a bit too early. :(
I would love to be entered in the contest!
Angela G

SF in SF Events said...

Hi there - what a great idea...when I read it I decided to email you, and see if you would consider donating it to an auction being held on Ebay in December for Variety Children's Charity of Northern California. We are in San Francisco, and I am a board member, and would love to be able to offer this on our auction to raise money for the charity. We have been around since 1927, in SF since 1947 = totally legit. I'm a huge Gaiman fan, and if you can donate it to us, I'll pair it with a signed Graveyard Game from Gaiman, and together we can really raise some money for kids! We are at, and I'm at sfinsfevents at

I hope you pick us! :) I heard of this via Sharon Levin's newsletter emails.

weasley@heart said...

Unfortunately, I was ill the day Neil came to speak, but I've been in love with his books for AGES. Please include me in the drawing!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could have seen Neil read in person. Please enter me in the drawing, if it's not too late.


Anonymous said...

I'd love the chance to win the gravestone, who wouldn't? Unlikely sentences No. 81. Please throw the name Amanda into the hat and with any luck draw it out again.

Shooting Stars Mag said...

When does this end? hopefully not yet, because i'd love to enter!!! :)


lauren51990 at aol dot com