Thursday, October 7, 2010

Teen Romance Panel

Still talking about this, yes - but don't you want to see photos? Monday we hosted the Teen Romance Extraordinaire Panel: Lisa Desrochers, Kiersten White, and Sophie Jordan. We were just so excited that they were stopping at Kepler's.

Lisa Desrochers is relatively local and comes to many of our teen events. She lives in Central California with her family (and brought her two teen daughters with her). She has a full time physical therapy practice, lectures internationally on health care issues, and writes in her spare time(impressive - right?)

Kiersten White is shorter than me (doesn't happen often) and lives in San Diego with an apparently tall husband and two small kids where life is perfectly normal. This abundance of normal led her to a fascination with all things paranormal, including but not limited to vampires, faeries, and pop culture.

Sophie Jordan grew up weaving fantasies of dragons, warriors, and princesses. A former high school English teacher, she's also the bestselling author of Avon historical romances. She now lives in Houston and also writes paranormal romances under the name Sharie Kohler.

Almost 40 eager fans packed our event (including local authors Heidi Kling and Daisy Whitney) - and we gave them halos (again), vampire teeth and glow sticks (I saw a lot of swapping...!) LOTS of questions, Heidi sold her books to the audience and signed too. LOTS of interest in Becca Fitzpatrick, who will be here on Saturday. All three authors talked of their paths to publication, their inspiration, their influences, their writing styles, their covers (I love love love the paranormalcy cover), posed happily for photos, made short videos for me (will post later), and talked to all the local bloggers.

Such fun. Just finished Firelight (review soon). They were awesome - if you have a
chance to hear them talk about their books, don't hesitate to go. Becca Fitzpatrick on Saturday - don't forget. 6.00. We'll be selling Crescendo EARLY! (They have already arrived.)

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