Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Carrie Jones and Alyx Harvey

I've been talking about their visit for weeks so I was absolultely delighted to meet and host authors Carrie Jones and Alyx Harvey who were an absolute delight. They charmed their fans, signed books galore, and answered as many questions as we had. I only hope they enjoyed their event as much as we did.

Here's Carrie talking about Need and Captivate:

Here's Alyx talking about Hearts at Stake:

Here's Alyx with a reader who had made a myspace fan page for her:

Here's Carrie with some fans:

And here's the authors with the always lovely Heidi Kling

And I'm going to add an apology about how small the photos are here. I uploaded them to picasa and then downoaded them for the blog and can't seem to enlarge them. Sorry.


Adele said...

cool. Love both their books. :)

Bookgeek said...

Great books - made better by such delightful authors.