Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Waiting for Wednesday

This meme is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and lets you know which books we are just desperate to get hold of. I haven't participated in this for weeks, mainly because I have been obsessed with the books I've actually been given but this week I have a title I really want to write about.

And it's Crashed by Robin Wasserman. A sequel to the wonderful Skinned, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

If you haven't read Skinned, you can read my review here.

And this is the cover copy for Crashed:
Months have passed, and in that time, Lia has joined Jude and his roving gang of mechs, an eclectic collection of bored teenagers looking for trouble, and uniquely capable of finding it. It’s a carefree life at first, but as the download process becomes more common, the opposition to the process becomes more vocal - and more hostile.

Lia gets swept up in the idea of being a revolutionary and fighting for a cause, but as the plans escalate, she starts having second thoughts — especially when she figures out Jude’s real agenda. Yes, he’s loyal to his cause — fiercely, desperately, blindly loyal. But only to his cause. Not necessarily to his people. In the end, Lia must make a choice. How many people — mechanical and organic — is she willing to hurt to protect her freedom? How far is she willing to go to protect the people she loves? And, when she betrays Jude — as she eventually realizes she must — how will he take his revenge?

Waiting is so hard.

So that's my pick, what's yours?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also liked Skinned and didn't know there would be a sequel