Sunday, April 19, 2009

Eon: Dragoneye Reborn by Alison Goodman - Review

My colleague, Jessica, loved this book so I'm posting her review here. Sounds fabulous, don't you think?


It is the year of the Rat, and the Rat Dragon is about to ascend to the head of the Dragon Council. Eon is supposed to be a boy nearing his thirteenth birthday, competing among several others for the apprenticeship under the Rat Dragon Master. But in the acidic political environment of ancient China, the truth is as changing and as inconstant as the sands of the Gobi Desert. A dying emperor, his power-hungry, bloodthirsty half-brother, the ruthlessly ambitious Rat Dragon Master, and the thirteenth dragon who has been missing for the past 500 years all want something from Eon, who is really Eona, a crippled sixteen-year-old girl.

This is not a typical fantasy novel. Then again, Eona is not a typical female protagonist either. Refreshing, intelligent, and strikingly written, the book pulls you into a China farther away than the one across the Pacific Ocean -- Goodman immerses you in a world of dragon sorcery and martial arts, set in the treacherous Imperial court with a precarious social hierarchy of eunuchs and would-be tyrants. It's been a long time since I've read a book that I absolutely had to stay up past 1 a.m. to finish.

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