As soon as I finished Vampire Academy, I turned directly to Frostbite, the second in this series, as I was not ready to leave them just yet.
To recap: Rose is a dhampir, training to be her best friend Lissa’s guardian. In Frostbite a vicious attack by the Strigoi has put St Vladimir’s on alert. So they are staying together for Christmas break at a very well guarded ski resort. And among the many Guardians now swarming the school is Rose’s famous mother, Janine.
That’s all Rose needs – her estranged mother to complicate her already complicated life. As if having a crush on her mentor Dimitri isn’t enough, an old friend of his who he seems very close to is pursuing him. Should she date her friend Mason to get over Dimitri? And how is Adrian able to invade her dreams? On top of all this, three of her friends break out of school to go looking for the Strigoi vampires, and she knows it really is her fault.
Life just gets more and more complicated for Rose and this series gets better and better. Shadow Kiss next of course!